Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Month of Video Games Day 11: Gaming System of Choice

Day 11: Gaming System of Choice
Playstation 3

This is going to be a short one because I've never been one to really feel the need for console tribalism. Not so much anymore, but back in the day, I frequented the message boards on a lot, and was always rather flabbergasted by the flame wars that would arise over which console was better, and the fighting over which console had the better E3 show that would ensue while E3 was still going on. I don't think Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo could pay PR people to shill for their system with quite the same tenacity that some random people on the internet do for free.

That said, I'm gonna answer the question, and I'm going to say Playstation 3. I really couldn't say if Playstation 3 itself has the best offering of the current generation as I don't own an X-Box 360 or a Wii and I think I've played enough of their libraries, but the thing about Playstation 3 is that it gives you two generations worth of backwards compatability (if you bought a version that offered backwards compatability). Nintendo 64 had some amazing games, but you can't stick an N64 cartrige in a Wii, you have to work with their online offerings. It's backwards compatible with Gamecube discs, but it it doesn't seem like the amount of Gamecube games that have stood the test of time is that huge. You've got your Smash Bros. Melee, your Zelda, your Eternal Darkness... I dunno, I think it starts getting thin pretty quickly from there. There are good exclusives on all systems, but I always thought that Sony gave you the most diverse range of options. It always had a lot of JRPG stuff, tournament fighter stuff, and just generally more offbeat stuff that didn't seem as represented on other systems. I've also found the Playstation style controllers, especially on the PS3 where they've extended out the L2 and R2 triggers a bit to be the most comfortable fit. Some of that might just be because I'm the most familiar, I dunno. Like I said, not a console purist. Play what you want.

Next up: Day 12 -- A game everyone should play
A couple of the games I've already mentioned would fall into that category, but I'll try and switch it up and come up with a new game to write about.

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