Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Days of Gaming Day 19: Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in

Day 19: Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in

Lindblum (Final Fantasy IX)

(image source)

Final Fantasy IX's greatest strength was how memorable its environments were. With two Playstation 1 FF games already under its belt, Square perfected the illustrated backgrounds it used in that era, and was able to add more actually rendered parts of the scenery than in VII or VIII. There were a bunch of cool places in IX. There was Burmecia, "The Realm of Endless Rain," Clerya, the city within a cyclone, and Treno, the city where it's always night for some reason. I think my favorite though was Lindblum, which combined the traditional RPG city built outward from a castle with some elements of steampunk thrown in. It's got good public transportation, it's accessible by airship, and has a theater district to boot. Sure it gets leveled pretty good by Queen Brahne's army at one point, but getting blown up from time to time is actually pretty much par for the course for an FF city.


Matt Katch said...

I had such a brain fart when trying to come up w/ settings. Good call, Lindblum would be a fantastic place to live.

Eric said...

yeah, FF9 had a ton of awesome places in it.