Sunday, March 13, 2011

Month of Video Games Day 9: Saddest Game Scene

Like the music post from yesterday, there are a lot of different directions you could go with this. My friend went for (SPOILER)

Tidus disappearing at the end of Final Fantasy X, which is a pretty good choice.

But like the music post I'm going to shun the more modern Final Fantasies and give Final Fantasy VI some love on back-to-back days....


Day 9: Saddest Game Scene
Celes Tries to Kill Herself

Final Fantasy VI was pretty hardcore for a video game in 1994. There was the part where Cyan's wife and child are poisoned as part of Kefka's siege of Doma and he first has to walk in on their dead bodies, his son still in bed, and then later has to watch them board the train that shuttles people to the afterlife. There was also the whole thing where the protagonist is revealed to be the product of a human/extra-dimensional furry affair. There's not anything in the game quite as straight-up gut-wrenching, though, as the scene right after Kefka throws the world out of balance and Cid and Celes are alone on an island. Cid nurses Celes back to health but then gets sick himself and lies on his deathbed. Believing herself to be the only person left, Celes attempts to kill herself by jumping off of a cliff. It's only after she happens to not die and see a seagull with Locke's bandanna while sprawled out on the beach that she decides to go on living. There are a lot of games, RPGs especially, where things get pretty messed up. Chrono Trigger had you travel to the time period after Lavos had struck and the remains of humanity are living in squalor with no food. FF7 had a meteor almost destroy the world and before they made Advent Children it was kind of ambiguous as to whether any humans survived. But I'm not sure there's anything as straight-up brutal though, as the simplicity of someone believing themselves to be alone in a ruined world and deciding to just end it quickly. It's like Cormac McCarthy decided to help out on making a video game for a spell.

Runner-up: Super Metroid -- Mother Brain kills the metroid hatching

(2:00 in)

Because just... awwwww... whyyyyyy?

Up next: Best gameplay.

1 comment:

Matt Katch said...

remember my 2nd choice was Chrono dying (I swear you don't even read my posts :p); though I had forgotten about Cyan's family--I think I would've gone w/ that.